Gasp,nearly there, the first man ever to conquer the east face

Ever wanted to start a new blog on and had to register a new account even though you already had one and just wanted another blog, not another login? That was pretty annoying, huh?

No longer! Now when you go to as a logged in user, it lets you simply add another blog to your stable. As many as you want, need, or desire — no limits. You may also notice that when you’re logged in the homepage gives you a link to the admin section of all blogs that you have access to. A video link to bobwp

Creating a 2nd blog. The My Blogs section of your Dashboard lists the blogs that you can contribute to and/or edit.

Your blogs are also listed in other areas, such as the toolbar at the top of your screen (when you’re logged in):

And on the homepage under the My Blogs tab:

My User Roles

Your user role – Contributor, Author, Editor, or Administrator — determines whether or not you can publish posts and manage a site’s settings. User roles can only be changed by blog Administrators.

My Blogs Dashboard Visibility

If you want to remove a site from appearing in the admin bar and under the My Blogs tab of the home page (for example, if you don’t need to access it regularly), you have the option to hide or make the blog visible on your Dashboard.

Go to your blog’s Dashboard and look for the My Blogs option:

Once you click that, simply hover over the text under the Dashboard column and a link will appear:

Dashboard Visibility

Note that this option only affects the visibility on your dashboards. It does not affect the dashboards of anyone else, nor does it affect others’ access to the blog.


At the top of the My Blogs page are filters. These allow you to view all your blogs, only blogs that are visible on your Dashboard, or only blogs that are hidden on your Dashboard. The number of blogs you have of each type is shown next to each filter:

Primary Blog

Setting the blog that you most commonly use as Primary makes it easier to access its settings when interacting on


You can view stats for each blog by clicking the stats icon:

Post by Email and Voice

Full details on this can be found on the Post by Email and Post by Voice pages.

Bulk Actions

To change the same setting on multiple sites at once, check the box next to the name of each site you want to modify:

Then, from the Bulk Actions drop-down, select the action you want to perform:

Click on the Apply button and the action will be applied to all checked items.

Register Another Blog

Want to create a new blog? Click Register Another Blog at the bottom of your My Blogs page:

Leave a Blog

If you no longer wish to be a Contributor, Author, or Editor of a blog, hover your mouse over the URL of the blog you wish to leave and click the Leave Blog link:

Leave Blog

After confirming your decision, the blog will be removed from your list and you’ll no longer have access to it.

Transfer a Blog

If you’re site Administrator, you can completely transfer ownership of a blog (including all upgrades) to another user. The Transfer Blog feature is fully explained on the Moving a Blog page.

Transfer Blog
Putting in a video, links, images or linking the image to a video remember when linking a video  if sharing by embedding use the text editor

Making your blog front page  or making the front page static advantages disadvantages. Blog as a front page is encouraging writing and readers. A static page is saying this is primarily a website

Changing the background, the header, the font colour. using this coloured text as links

Remember the fold, everything happens in the top half , put a link to another of your pages by highlighting a word that will  link it , encourage readers with good title of the link. Bring the reader on and in to your site. Encourage them to read using the novel or the mundane, most of all share amusing, shocking, legit and informative content. It is all about the content.

You can have as many blogs as you like but there is no point in creating them as it’s  a use it or lose it.